The MODEROID series introduces the plastic model debut of the mecha from the anime "RahXephon," piloted by the protagonist Ayato. Standing at approximately 195mm, this model features articulated joints for convenient posing. With interchangeable parts, it can be displayed with either open or closed wings. Replicate RahXephon's golden eyes by retracting the visor, using the open-mouthed face plate, and swapping out the eye parts. The model includes an energy bow, arrow, energy sword, and interchangeable hand parts. The pre-painted and differently colored runners make assembly simple, allowing for an easy recreation of the character. Additionally, a bonus mini figure of Reika Mishima is included, with painting required for the miniature figure, and eye decals are provided.
Product Features
- Approx 195mm
- Made of Plastic
- From RahXephon anime
- Highly detailed
- Manufacturer:Good Smile Company
Box Contents
- MODEROID RahXephon